Tamworth Bands History : 1982 : November
Polesworth Working Mens Club
Tamworth Herald – 05/11/82

DHSS : four track demo
‘NOBODY ever stays the same’ – that’s the first line from one of the four tracks on the new DHSS demo tape – and how very apt it is.
People who remember DHSS as an aggressive, bass-driven new wave band are likely to be surprised at the melodic musical style the group are now pursuing.
This change which has happened only fairly recently has turned DHSS into a stylish professional outfit.
This new demo contains four fairly new tracks which seem light years away from the old DHSS standards like ‘The Grass is Greener’ or ‘Going Mushroom Picking’.
These days the band seem to be playing music more akin to Scritti Politti, The Doors and even occasionally David Bowie.
Ironically, only ‘The Same, The Same’ has a traditional DHSS feel, but it is only for this reason that I would say it is the best track.
It is a catchy, cleverly constructed song and is an obvious first single.
The other three songs are only slightly less successful. ‘Glassy Eyes’ which opens proceedings, is a languid, impressive piece rather reminiscent of The Beatles.
‘I’m On My Way’ is the second track and is particularly noticeable for some excellent vocal work by Barry Douce, who almost sounds like Tamworth frontman Julian Cope in places.
The tape closes with a superb new song ‘Turning Wind’ which has a truly epic chorus.
If I have any criticism to make of the tape it is that perhaps the numbers, particularly ‘I’m On My Way’ could have been shorter and more compact but this apart, the tape really is a very impressive piece of work.
Tamworth Herald – 05/11/82
THIS WEEK we had a call from guitarist Brian Robertson.
“I’m thinking of putting a band together,” said the voice at the other end of the line.
Could this be the former Lizzy, Wild Horses and current Motorhead guitarist ‘phoning the Herald about his next move?
Had he had a row with Lemmy and gone the way of his predecessor Eddie Clark? Did he want to reform Omen? All these questions flashed through our minds.
However, we needn’t have worried for the Brian Robertson in question was a local guitarist who wanted to put a band together in Tamworth.
Brian is influenced mainly by Hendrix and the Eagles and initially he wants a band playing that sort of material gradually moving onto their own composition later.
He would like a bassist, a drummer and another guitarist.
Tamworth Herald – 05/11/82
A 16-year-old girl who has only just moved to the Tamworth area, is trying to form a new pop band.
Anne Wagstaff, of Cringlebrook, Belgrave, is a talented singer and has often competed in music festivals in her old town Sutton Coldfield.
But now Anne wants to turn those trained vocal chords to something a little bit more up to date.
She would like local musicians, preferably in her own age group, to contact her with a view to forming a group.
She is interested mainly in lighter chart material but would consider writing some of her own songs later.
She said: “I just love singing and I want to carry on in Tamworth if possible.”
Anyone interested should ring Anne.
Tamworth Herald – 05/11/82
AFTER a lengthy absence Tamworth’s own music magazine Tambeat is back on sale again.
Mike Turner has done an excellent job on the magazine and copies, priced 32p, are available at Rock-It-Records.
Birchmoor Working Mens Club
Tamworth Herald – 12/11/82
TOP Tamworth disc jockey Barry John is offering a cash reward to anyone who helps him recover his stolen CB radio.
Barry, whose real name is Barry John Wright, is willing to give away £35 to the person who can solve the theft.
Anyone with information should contact Tamworth police.
Tamworth Herald – 12/11/82
HAMLETS Wine Bar licensee, Mr Brian Barnsley was fined £600 on Tuesday for failing to send in his VAT returns on time.
Mr. Barnsley, director of Peters-Barnsley Ltd., Lower Gungate, Tamworth, admitted the offence.
He told the court it had not been a wilful omission but a case of neglect.
Tamworth Herald – 12/11/82
DISC-GOER Nicholas Ormsby put his fist through a reinforced glass window when his attempts to get back into a nightclub failed, Tamworth magistrates heard.
Ormsby, aged 19, of Station Road, Polesworth saw his girlfriend home after a night at Stripes night club, said Mr. Derek Wassall, prosecuting.
He then returned to the club to join some friends inside. But he was refused re-admittance by the doorman as it was after midnight. No one is allowed into the club after that time.
Ormsby then out his fist through a glass panel in the door reinforced with wire.
Ormsby was fined £100 and told to pay £30 costs after he admitted causing unlawful damage of £48.43.
Tamworth Herald – 12/11/82
TWO Tamworth bands take part in a major music competition next week.
For The Unknown and Badger will be up against the best of Midlands’ talent in a rock and pop contest organised by the musicians’ union.
The competition is being held from Monday to Friday at Burton Town Hall.
Six-band heats will be held on the first four nights with two from each heat going forward to Friday’s grand final.
The Unknown’s heat also includes the Mark Fontana Band, Boulevard, Crystal Image, Livin’ Doll and La Resonance.
They have a prime slot being the last band to go on stage in the Tuesday line-up.
Badger have a slightly more difficult task. They will be the first band to appear in Thursday’s heat.
The band will be competing with Minis Tirith, Lambent Lamella, New Regime, The Pick-Ups and The Second.
Admission throughout the week will be 60p each night and there will be a licensed bar.
Tamworth Herald – 12/11/82
ROCK fans are advised to go along to Polesworth School tonight (Friday).
For the school’s users’ council is staging a major concert featuring several local bands.
At the time of going to press the concert line-up included Exodus, making their final appearance, Ethis, Spirit of Water, Corrupt Youth and Cosmic Emotion.
In other words there’s something for everyone.
The gig starts at 7.30pm and tickets are priced 50p.
They can be obtained in advance from the council’s chairwoman Isobel Burden, who is also the school’s deputy head.
The school is in Dordon Road, Dordon.
Spirit of Water
Corrupt Youth
Cosmic Emotion
Polesworth School
Richard Sewell
Backroom Folk
Three Tuns, Fazeley
Armpit Jug Band
Backroom Folk
Three Tuns, Fazeley
Tamworth Herald – 19/11/82
Major Lance – Hinckley Leisure Centre
THE place was packed…well, when you’ve got the hero of northern soul on stage, it is hardly surprising.
The sound of ‘The Beat’ hit out across the packed dance-floor and the crowd reaction was electric – stamping feet and clapping hands. Major quickly moved into his next number ‘I’m So Lost’ – another timeless classic.
Next he moved from Chicago to Detroit with his offerings of ‘I Can’t Help Myself’ and ‘Get Ready’ before going back to Chicago for Curtis Mayfield’s ‘Move On Up’ then back to Detroit with Smokey Robinson’s ‘My Girl’ brilliantly executed.
The Major did his ‘Okeh’ routine kicking off with ‘Investigate’ and going through ‘The Matador’, ‘Um, Um, Um, Um’ (the original to Wayne Fontana’s British hit). ‘Ain’t No Soul Left in These Ol’ Shoes’, ‘The Monkey Time’ and finishing off a brilliant night with ‘You Don’t Want Me No More’. Just for the record, one was made live and will be issued in about four weeks with a limited quantity of 1,000.
Tamworth Herald – 19/11/82
LOCAL bands with dynamic girl singers are not exactly commonplace, so it’s particularly nice to welcome the advent of Cosmic Emotion.
Tracey Wykes is the bubbling vocalist/front-girl for the new North Warwickshire band with that distinctive name.
But the rest of the band’s line-up also features some well-known local names.
First, there’s Dylan Haddon, now one of the most seasoned campaigners on the local scene after spells with Trojan and Exodus. Dylan is handling lead guitar duties.
Tony Bradford, formerly of Vulcan, is on the drummer’s stool, while former Spirit of Water man Brad Riley is on bass and occasional synthesiser.
A date
And the music? Dylan said: “It’s early days to say but so far we’re very pleased with the way things are turning out.
“The sound is definitely not HM, but it does stray towards Hawkind at times, but is also quite punky,” added Dylan.
So far, the band’s biggest composition is a 20-minute opus in three parts called “Cosmic Music”.
The band have a date lined up at Atherstone Miners’ Welfare Club.
Polesworth Working Mens Club
Tamworth Herald – 26/11/82
LOCAL PEOPLE were given a chance to have a look behind the scenes at Tamworth Arts Centre on Saturday when it staged its first open day.
The converted chapel in Lower Gungate has, over the last eight years become the centre of the local arts scene. Groups ranging from the choral society to the popmobility class and from the town’s civic society to the Little Theatre group hold regular meetings there.
On Saturday visitors were able to browse around an art exhibition by a local painter. Costumes used in past plays were on show and a mock stage set had been put up in the auditorium to demonstrate the work that goes into producing a play.
Don’t Realise
Arts Centre administrator Mrs Georgina Jackson said: “Many people just don’t realise what’s going on in the local arts scene.
“Holding an open day seemed the best way of encouraging more people to take an interest in the arts. The Arts Centre certainly has a lot to offer everyone,” she said.
Tamworth Herald – 26/11/82
PETER KEELEY and Anthony Kirby went through five years of school together without ever talking about music.
In fact it wasn’t until the two of them had left school and gone their separate ways that they met again and found they both shared an interest in electronic music.
After a time listening to records together they began to think about forming a band and discovered there was a natural song-writing ‘chemistry’ between them.
And so ‘Product Perfect’, Tamworth’s newest electronic duo were born.
Now Peter and Anthony have amassed a 40-minute set of their own material and are anxious to play their first gigs in the Tamworth area soon.
The duo – who are keen to add a drummer to their line-up – list Dee Harris, Fashion and Gina X as their major influences plus a whole host of electronic bands.
Peter said: “I knew Anthony at school but we never talked about music.
“By the time we get a live set together we will be incorporating some backing tapes.”
Peter also said that the band are hoping to present a ‘show’ as well as just a gig.
“Too many Tamworth bands just seem to stand still and play their instruments but we hope to be much more entertaining to watch.
“We’re very ambitious but the accent is very much on dance music,” he added.
Flash Harry
Polesworth Working Mens Club