Tamworth Bands History : 1989 : October
Marshall Law
Tamworth Arts Centre
Fetch Eddie
Birmingham Polytechnic
Tamworth Herald – 06/10/89
The Searching – fresh from their successful appearance on the compilation album ‘Yup in Flames’ – kick off a series of dates with a major Tamworth Arts Centre show on Sunday night.
The impressive Indie popsters will join forces with the dank and mysterious Curious Oyster and new Indie guitar-act The Sherbert Trees.
The night mainly belongs to The Searching who will be making their first Tamworth appearance since a highly successful and well received Festival show. The group who number Joe Strummer among their fans, have since recorded a track for a top class compilation album ‘Yup In Flames’ and they see Sunday’s gig as the first of many.
“We want to play everywhere and anywhere in the next few months and this is the ideal place to start,” explained bassist Mark Chapman.
The Searching who are pictured here with their old line-up now feature popular local drummer Vicky Gwinnett and boast a strong set full of new material. They are keenly looking forward to the show on Sunday and will be selling copies of their album at a heavily discounted £3 apiece.
Joining The Searching will be the unique coupling of The Sherbert Trees and Curious Oyster. The Oyster belong somewhere in Bansheeville and command a lot of interest from alternative gig-goers while as The Sherbert Trees are a new Tamworth phenomena altogether. They made their debut a few weeks ago alongside the New Puritans and created a strange but lasting impression.
This entertaining looking three band show kicks off at about 8pm and a good and original night out seems assured. The Searching for something to do on Sunday night stops here.
Tamworth Herald – 06/10/89
So Climactic!
Also Smith and Jones – Old Liberal house Amington
Good time Dave Smith and his five rum and black chums, the Also Smith and Jones band, set the tone last week for the Climax Blues Band to produce the raunchiest set I’ve seen them deliver in twenty years. There hasn’t been a night like this in Tamworth since Feelgood put the Assems into orbit four years ago!
Also Smith and Jones began their sixty minute set with standards by Muddy Waters and Albert Collins to demonstrate their authenticity, integrity and musicianship (even George Melly has to do that before he lets the good times roll!) Then came ‘No Made Yackamo’ and the audience (nearly 200 r ‘n’ b crazies) began to forget about art and enjoy themselves. With the Stovepipe Stomp as always the band transported the Amington pub into blissville – it was good, it was wildly funny and entirely unpredictable. From then on the extrovert Andy Codling whizzed among the audience and hopped on to tables in a frenzy of tenor sax hysteria and Paul Speare, who looks as though he ought to be in a bank, jigged a little and seemed to be enjoying himself. He sounded like one of the best sax players in England (which he is). It was quite a set. If I had been the Climax Blues Band I would have made an excuse and left the room. How can you follow that? Well they did, as you will read in a couple of reviews time…
Bill Mann
Double Vision – Tamworth Arts Centre
Congratulations are in order here! Double Vision opened the set with a powerful version of Zeppelin’s ‘Shook Me’ and carried on from strength to strength with each number. Once again the band showed their versatility and unique way of putting their stamp of originality into each number. The band has progressed immensely since their last appearance at Tamworth, Pete’s fine guitar work, plus first class rhythm and Algy’s raunchy vocal must put them among the best r ‘n’ b bands in the Midlands. Sheer brilliance which, with great antics by Snake and Algy, made for a wonderful night.
Judy, Marianne and Faye
Bash Out The Odd – The Monterey Exchange, Lichfield
American’s annexed island – The Monterrey Exchange – was the kitsch cocktail setting for the first date of The Bash Out The Odd autumn tour. Trumpets and horns dangling and spangling from the ceiling gave us an insight into what was about to come. Having only had a 12 month gestation period. Bash Out The Odd have emerged with a mature, unique, exciting sound flaunted on Tuesday to its greatest advantage. With favourites such as ‘Laughing House’ and ‘Love Walks Away’, the dance floor was transformed into a jumble of jiggling bodies and the commotion didn’t stop there. The Bashers repertoire has gained new material in bulk and its debut on Tuesday refreshed the by-then sweat-drenched crowd. ‘You Strip Me Bare’ and ‘Silent Hour’ were noteable standouts and the lively Lichfield audience discovered (perhaps for itself?) one of the most promising new acts of the 1990s. Bash Out The Odd surpassed themselves once again and as far as I’m concerned they can do no wrong.
Sweet Revenge – Tamworth Arts Centre
Sweet Revenge MUST be a major force in the country’s heavy metal scene at the moment. They went through their set with the confidence and enthusiasm that surely must see the band turn into a surefire success. Move over Wolfsbane these guys are in the fast lane!
Clive, Bedders and Sue
The Climax Blues Band – Old Liberal House, Amington
The Climax Blues Band didn’t bother to probe THEIR authenticity, integrity and musicianship (to hell with George Melly!) they went straight into the rock and roll and within 15 seconds the audience were on the floor and dancing. They stayed there and the concert had become a happening. Colin Cooper is the only original member of the Climax boys but he surrounds himself with superlative musicians. And he has a superlative bass voice that sounds as though it has been roughened over the years by whiskey and playing large concert halls. The electrical difference was in the PA and the mixer unit – who can tell what difference such gear would have made to the raw energy and attack of Smith and Jones. The Climax Blues Band enjoyed the night so much that they went well over their sixty minutes and did an old Canned Heat and Spencer Davis medley as an encore. It was INTERGALACTIC and 200 people went home not caring that in the morning they might have to come down to earth.
Bill Mann
We are delighted here at the amount and quality of the freelance reviews coming in from local gigs. We want as many as possible featuring any group that either plays in the area or has links with it as well as occasional national reviews as well. Keep them coming because it proves that this column is YOURS to write as well as to read. Just once thing though, how about giving me your full-names for by-lines. We always put a name below a review because that is a personal viewpoint not necessarily agreed by MUSICBOX or the Herald so you deserve to take the full credit for your review – or indeed the flak that some of us are used to! So come on, Christian and surnames please. Yours Sam (or rather Sam Holliday)
Tamworth Herald – 06/10/89
A top class local ‘moshing’ act are on the lookout for two bands willing to share expenses for hiring the Arts Centre and PA for a show shortly.
Tamworth Herald – 06/10/89
No room for ‘Letterbox’ this week but fear not we will hopefully be back next week including a very interesting latter from one ‘Robin’s Haircut’ who slams my attitude to the New Puritans and asks the question ‘have Flowers in The Attic split up?’
Tamworth Herald – 06/10/89
Fetch Eddie are in action twice this weekend. On October 6 you can catch them at North Staff Poly and on October 7 you can see them again at Ackers Trust Centre, Birmingham alongside The Stuff, Pushing and Little Red Schoolhouse.
Tamworth Herald – 06/10/89
The recent ‘Acid House’ show at Polesworth caused a massive outrage as you will have seen in last week’s Herald.
What was missed however, behind the understandable hysteria, was the validity of the musical event on offer. We have received this excellent review by MUSICBOX correspondent JO MARSH who assessed the event from a music fan’s point of view.
In the interest of fairness and we feel obliged to print the report about what was – whether people’s eardrums liked it or not – the biggest music event in the area this year. It’s all yours Jo…
COP THIS: One pound for a can of Coca Cola. Worse still, twenty quid a ticket to stand in a field and dance. Twenty quid!!! Ah, look, there’s a gap in the hedge (sneak, sneak)…
We’re on a farm near Alvecote, the outskirts of Tamworth; and oddly our DJ/host is insisting that this good time is occurring in the Second City. Then again, it could be anywhere. 2,000+ have made the trek from London, bodies are shaking furiously, determination is aimed at one simple target – Pleasure. Who is going to let a slight geographical error spoil that? Not I.
The sounds spilling from the monster P.A. are overwhelming. A mixed-on-the-spot fusion of the best house beats it has ever been my privilege to soak up, some of them quite beyond belief or explanation. The joins between records are, for the most part, indistinguishable, which leaves a continuous, immense, dance groove.
The DJ’s artwork (yes) is complemented by the lighting (Star Wars?/Pah!) which literally sweeps into another dimension. Close your eyes and there is no escape, beams penetrate and patterns emerge on your inner eyelids. When dry ice fog floods the whole field whilst the strobe hits overdrive it becomes a miracle to make out the shape of your own hands, which are moving in early silent movie spasms. Yet even this fails to complete the party. That is left to the people. Not a single raver is statuesque, as far as the eye can see (when the smoke does clear) it is throbbing party people whose resolution is to make the northbound journey a worthwhile experience, each willing to immerse themselves to sacrifice their writhing forms to the great God DANCE! I can sympathise having walked all the way from Stonydelph I am left with nothing to do but douse myself in this hypnotic occasion.
Fetch Eddie
The Stuff
Little Red Schoolhouse
Ackers Trust Centre
The Searching
Curious Oyster
Sherbert Trees
Tamworth Arts Centre
Expresso Bongo Orchestra
Also Smith and Jones
Old Liberal House
Tamworth Herald – 13/10/89
The highly-acclaimed duo of the Expresso Bongo Orchestra and Also Smith and Jones steam up for a spiffing double bill in Tamworth tonight (Friday).
The two bands, who have been wowing them and wamming them in various parts in recent weeks, join forces at the Old Liberal House in Amington for a unique and exciting night.
The Old Liberal House is fast becoming a major and vital venue and the combination of these two ‘new’ forces looks set to fill the spacious room to its capacity.
The gig has been put together by those busy Info Publishing chaps who have been delighted with the success of recent Old Liberal House shows and see tonight as a real biggie.”
“This is a double bill of good time live music aimed at (dare I say it) the more discerning music lover,” explained Ian Gibbons in his preview of the show, “This promises to be a FUN packed evening.”
The Expresso Bongo Orchestra are making serious noises wherever they go at the moment. They are a nine-piece dance band fronted by Paul ‘Sexy Dexy’ Speare and their sound is described as an ‘entertainment force’. The band have combined seriously good influences with a huge dollop of fun and the end result is a sound and set that is entirely loveable. In his review of their excellent demo, Mike Turner said ‘they are undoubtedly all good musicians who enjoy playing good music.” What more could you ask for?
Well, you could ask for the triffic, really triffic Also Smith and Jones. This rum and black good time band are fronted by leading sex symbol/maniac Dave Smith and have earned huge acclaim since their recent reformation. Anyone who remembers the Royal Family will know what to expect but my spies (and my instincts) tell me that this is even yummier.
Put the Bongos and the Smithies together and you have a night which positively reeks of fun. The Old Liberal House (its in Woodhouse Lane, Amington in case you don’t know) looks set to grow in importance and stature in the next few weeks and months so why not test its wares (for the first time?) tonight and boogie with your suitcase.
Let the party begin.
Tamworth Herald – 13/10/89
EVER-popular rocksters Scream Dream return to the Arts Centre base on Sunday night as the spearhead of a powerful three band show.
The group will join those metal nutters from hell Chemikill and a group from Sudbury – the Eastern town who of course Tamworth FC beat in this year’s FA Vase final.
The show looks like being a very strong attack on the ears with the Sudbury band Death Lock having a metal sound, Chemikill having an equally violent attack and Scream dream now revamped in their new and more dramatic sound.
The gig, a sprightly looking trio, costs just £1.50 to enter and starts at 8pm. Get set to get rocked.

Tamworth Herald – 13/10/89
STENCH, those doyens of all things bright and beautiful, are on the lookout for a manager.
The psychobilly warblers want a boss to steer them in the right direction and they are interested in hearing from anyone.
Tamworth Herald – 13/10/89
Did you Catch the Catch boys on TV last week? Admittedly their appearance on ‘What’s This Noise?’ was brief but they were still delighted as second-for-second they got almost as much as both Aswad and Texas. In case you missed it, guitarist ray Clenshaw predicted the band would last for eons, the band jammed along for an epic finale and some complete prune did something revolting called ‘Northumberland’ dancing.
Tamworth Herald – 13/10/89
A nasty illness sadly ruled me out of catching the Searching’s gig at the Arts Centre on Sunday. I was indeed miffed about this (it almost literally made me sick) so if anyone could send in a freelance review I would be grateful.
Tamworth Herald – 13/10/89
My thanks to Melissa Goodyer from Dance Stance’s management who kindly sent me a plastic fish this week. The reason for this is that I said I would hit the band over the head with a giant haddock if they didn’t send me a demo. Well boys you’ve got a little longer because I am armed now!
Tamworth Herald – 13/10/89
Dear Sam,
I’ve got quite a few questions for you so I’ll get straight on with it:
1) Why do you still rave about the New Puritans being brilliant songwriters when most of their songs are stolen from Wedding Present songs? Buy the LP ‘Tommy’ to find out the truth.
2) Was the person who complained about the Cheese and Wine Party actually there? More dancing I’ve never seen at the Arts Centre.
3) Sonic Noise, Ruby Blaze were Jim Kerr look-alikes with no songs. Flowers in the Attic were drunk and rubbish.
4) Have Flowers in the Attic split up?
5) Where are the First Conspiracy?
Robbin’s haircut
Sam’s Reply
Here’s the answers as I see them…
1. I DO think that the New Puritans write great songs and it doesn’t bother me if they sound like someone else. ‘Seeds of Love’ by tears for fears is wonderful although it is an admitted Beatles rip-off and you won’t hear many Wonderstuff records that haven’t got some implanted Buzzcocks influence. But, being influenced by someone (anyone) is inevitable and it is a case how you use that influence that is important. The Puritans do use their influences well in my opinion and I leave their gigs feeling entertained. As for ‘Tommy’ well I preferred the Who version (Ho, Ho).
2. I thought the person complaining about the lack of dancing at the Cheese and Wine was a bit off too. It’s like complaining about a lack of hippies at Woodstock or a lack of drooling girls at a Catch 23 gig. It’s simply wrong.
3. Flowers in the Attic are ‘drunk and rubbish’ are they? Well I don’t know about their alcoholic state (although they do seem to be in the George rather a lot) but they certainly are not rubbish. And as for ruby Blaze being ‘Jim Kerr look-alikes’ I hope not for their sake. Such a stigma could ruin a band completely.
4. Have Flowers in the Attic split up? Well, I don’t know why not ask them the same time as you tell them they’re drunk and rubbish. You may not get an answer but I will happily arrange a photograph of your resulting black eye.
5. As far as I know, The First Conspiracy are alive and kicking and currently trying to get their line-up sorted out. I miss ‘em too.
Sammy’s Haircut
Scream Dream
Death Lock
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Herald – 20/10/89
WOLFSBANE were all set to play their most prestigious ever show – as support to the world’s hottest heavy metal band – Guns and Roses.
Ringing up from Hollywood, the band’s bassist Jeff Hateley explained in a very excited state that they had been invited into a top class showcase spearheaded by the almighty G ‘n’ R and also featuring Faster pussycat.
“We are refusing to believe it until it actually happens,” Jeff said last week. “They are definitely listed as the headliners but I’m not getting too excited because I don’t want to look a pratt if they don’t turn up!!”
The show – a party for RIP magazine (the US version of Kerrang), looks set to be Wolfsbane’s first show in America. They are also lined up to play in New York this week and are to be interviewed on American MTV, which is widely regarded as being the most important medium in the US pop world.
The band at the moment expect to stay in America until December when they will hopefully return for a triumphant Christmas tour. The album ‘Live Fast Die Fast’ has started to sell across the Atlantic and has broken into the metal charts although as Jeff explains it is a HUGE market to conquer.
“We’ve been getting quite a bit of radio play in Los Angeles, New York and a few other places but it is going to take time,” he said.
One thing that has delighted young Jeffrey is that the US Wolfie album comes complete with one of those stickers bearing the legend ‘this album contains offensive language.”
As regards singles, the first 45 off their album ‘Shakin’ has been delayed both here and in America. It was due out a couple of weeks ago but it now looks more likely to hit the shops at the end of this month or the start of next. The single is then likely to be followed in January by the anthemic ‘I Like It Hot’.
Jeff is due to get on the Hollywood phone line again this week so we will try and let you know if the Guns and Roses thing was a ‘goer’ or not next week. Jeff didn’t want to get too excited in case it made him look a pratt but I was happy to get excited and splash it over six columns because I am completely used to looking a pratt.
Read the Prattbox verdict next week!
Sam Holliday (from the Paradise City)
Tamworth Herald – 20/10/89
Just Brilliant!
Expresso Bongo Orchestra – The Old Liberal House (Amington)
TWENTY-seven kinds of brilliant!!! I thought about just writing the word ‘brilliant’ 27 times to show how enjoyable this show was but I thought it wouldn’t convey to the unfortunates who missed it just how good it really was. This was one of the most unusual and exciting gigs I have seen in Tamworth for years. The EBO are a remarkable combination of saxes, guitars, great tunes and moments of acute killing humour, the sort which could turn any funeral into a rave-up party. Moments of serious swing, moments of punchy pop and moments of real magic combined to produce a set which slayed the audience to a man and left the band with the sort of ovation rarely seen outside of Nuremburg or Conservative Party rallies. What the hell, I will return to my original idea, the gig was brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, (only 15 left!) brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. Get the message?
Sam Holliday
Death Lock – Tamworth Arts Centre
Sudbury’s finest outfit since the ones that Tamworth crushed in the FA Vase Final. This was an eye-opening powerful burst of aggressive rock which combines a host of influences from the post new-wave punk era and the current metal mood to win over an impressed Tamworth audience. The lead singer was as cool as hell, the drummer was a wizard and they pinched one of the best riffs ever used by The Ruts. Three reasons to like them.
Sam Holliday
Sherbert Trees – Tamworth Arts Centre
The biggest hopes that Tamworth’s (ahem) Indie scene has been able to produce in months. The Sherbert Trees have somehow learned to play in time and in tune since their brilliants Arts Centre massacre a few weeks ago. The Sherberts are (at their best) a shambolic noise and it was only the last two songs that captured the enthusiasm of that first gig. Sold out already? I hope the lads realise that practise makes imperfect in time for their next outing.
Jo Marsh
Chemikill – Tamworth Arts Centre
A band so loud, smelly, filthy and raucous they make Wolfsbane sound like the Three Degrees. What we have here is an all-out attack on the senses that has the ability to deafen and distress before the intro to a song has even finished. It’s vile and totally uncompromising and a fair percentage of the crowd loved it to death.
Personally it was a little extreme for my tastes but as Catch 23’s singer Steve Webster (hardly a metal man) said it’s got a certain something you know. Not Radio Two music.
Sam Holliday
Curious Oyster – Tamworth Arts Centre
Curious Oyster have as much right to be on stage as Frank Sidebottom has to be sole resident of Number 10, Downing Street. The worst goth band in the entire world and at best a pointless waste of equipment.
Jo Marsh
Also Smith and Jones – The Old Liberal House
Wickedly wonderful gear from a band destined to cure all the world’s ills at a single stroke. Helped enormously by a splendid sound, this r ‘n’ b crew took the audience to the proverbial cleaners and proved once and for all that calling music like this the ‘blues’ is a total misnomer for music that makes you happy to be alive. Dave Smith was at his vocal and visual best again but tonight I took my hat off to Les Jones who stole the show. Not only did he play the guitar with a nonchalance that belies real skill but he put on an immensely watchable show that made him the perfect foil for Smith’s eccentricity. The band can do no wrong.
Sam Holliday
The Searching – Tamworth Arts Centre
Groovy purple lights do not a good band make and they certainly failed to conceal that the Searching have the stage presence of ten and a half dead fish. The only ‘proper’ band on the night. They write ‘proper’ songs and play their instruments ‘properly’. They succeeded in numbing the audience good and ‘proper’ to the point of either sleep or death (depending upon individual endurance). It was rumoured that they were known as they hottest band in Town. ‘Yes’ was the collective opinion – ‘burn them!’
Jo Marsh
(Does this mean you didn’t like them? Sam)
Scream Dream – Tamworth Arts Centre
Complete with Reverb PS’s most powerful sound to date. Scream Dream produced THEIR most powerful sound to date and the effect was very pleasing indeed. As well as having a lot more hair than before, the band also have a lot more fire in their loins and the excellent guitar work of the Keeton and Wilson clan, drives the sound along with consistency and relish. Ian’s vocals are forced to get into ever louder degrees of screaming to top off the effect of the mass guitar assault and it makes for a frighteningly full and overwhelming sound. Best toon of the night was the classic ‘Tomorrow’ which even beat my personal fave (and contender for MUSICBOX song of the year) ‘Hometown’. A band who I have always liked but I am now starting to fall in love with. If it turns sexual I’ll let you know.
Sam Holliday
Tamworth Herald – 20/10/89
IT’S a busy week gig-wise with a host of the area’s best bands in action in venues as diverse as the Tavern in the Town and the Mean Fiddler, London. Here is a quick gig-guide so you know where to go and what to look out for…
Sunday – Tamworth Arts Centre
A good night out for those of the gothic persuasion as Curious Oyster steam in for their first headlining show at the Centre. They were hoping to have local support but at time of going to press we could not confirm who that was. It starts at 8pm.
Tuesday – The Mean Fiddler, London
Around 150 fans are expected to make the convoy to London to cheer on Catch 23 in this their second appearance in Das Kapital. The band, fresh from more TV appearances than Jason Donovan, expect to premier some new material including the 215th remix of the classic ‘Love Explosion’.
Thursday – The Tavern in the Town
The Magnets return to the scene of their former crimes for a nostalgic night of fun. A band borne out of the Tavern they return home after a couple of useful recent shows much raved about by my old mate Jack Napier. Expect electricity and check out the excellent Manns Brown Ale.
Tuesday (Oct 31) – Corvettes
A fine looking line-up here a week on Tuesday as Bash Out The Odd and The Big Noise team up with King Woderick and The Yogots for a show that promises to fill Corvettes completely. All three bands are bursting with quality and a super sweaty night is definitely in prospect. Advance warning on this one because it looks like packing out!
Curious Oyster
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Herald – 27/10/89
MUSICBOX’s wild speculation last week that Wolfsbane were due to support the biggest HM band in the Universe, Guns and Roses turned out to be absolutely right!!
The band supported the ‘Appetite for Destruction’ team in LA and even went one better than I predicted by taking the second headlining slot ahead of such metal notables as Faster Pussycat.
According to Barbara Edwards (one of the band’s groupies!) Wolfsbane went down very well indeed and they are following it this week with three gigs in New York and another in LA. It is all a whirl and very exciting indeed for a band who just a few short months ago were paying US for the right to appear at the Tamworth Rock Festival.
All you cynics out there take note – it can be done. It IS being done.
Tamworth Herald – 27/10/89
CORVETTES Winebar will host a positive feast on Tuesday night when Bash Out The Odd, Rape in Yellow and the King Woderick crew pack ‘em in.
With a fourth band also expected to be involved a decent sized crowd is expected so quite how we are all supposed to squeeze in this fine drinking establishment remains a mystery. But, squeeze in people undoubtedly will do to watch a show full of strong, modern pop. The Yogots currently enjoying airplay in France would you believe, will be back with their barmy sounds. Rape in Yellow will be out to blast ‘em while Bash Out The Odd will make their first Tamworth appearance for quite some time to offer the cleanest pop of the evening.
Tamworth Herald – 27/10/89
Last week’s less-than complimentary review of the Searching by our freelance hatchet-wielder JO MARSH somewhat shocked at least one of our readers SARAH LETTS from Lichfield.
The Searching – Tamworth Arts Centre
Sorry to hear you were sick on this night Sam because you missed a GREAT gig. The new-look Searching line-up produced a thrilling cascade of first class tracks. Their performance has a kind of magic, rarely seen in the up and coming bands of today. ‘Midnight Train’, ‘Funky Chicken’ and ‘Cut It Clean’ were the tracks that really stood out among a set full of memorable moments. The singer went crazy with his enthusiastic leaps and the girl drummer is amazingly fast. This band let it shine through and proved they were having a great time. I know I did!
Sarah Letts
Tamworth Herald – 27/10/89
GOTHIC splendour returns to the Arts Centre on Sunday for a doom-laden night that brings together two bands who walk on the black side of life.
Litany of Fear, an aggressive goth survivalist crew will be making their first appearance in the Town since the Fest and they will be joined by new Tamworth favourites What’s This Heads Down Mindless boogie About Nothing.
Originally it was hoped that Flowers in the Attic could complete the scenario but they have now pulled out fuelling still further the rumour that they have disappeared in an alcohol blitz.
But fear not, the two bands still left on the line up are guaranteed to delight the mass of area ‘blacksmiths’. What’s This Heads Down Mindless boogie About Nothing will be playing their first show with their newly revised line-up and they are confident that their blackest of black goth sounds have improved and matured enormously since recent local bashes. Get set to get gothed.
Headlining on Sunday will be Litany of Fear a band who What’s This’ bassist Jon describes as ‘brilliant’. Since supporting both Wolfsbane and Spiral Eye in the summer, Litany of Fear have progressed at a fast rate of knots and they believe their sound is more powerful than ever. The band, who feature our very own Ken Urwin (a local music veteran who was once (almost) a Classified Ads fan!) are also set for gigs in Coventry, Leicester and Stafford shortly so catch them now before someone else takes the praise for discovering their glories.
Two bands then (although another may be added to replace Flowers) and just £1.50 on the door. Sunday night goth fun – miss it at your peril.
Tamworth Herald – 27/10/89
Stu’s back ‘n’ bashing
STU Blane is back behind the sticks for Bash Out The Odd. The experienced drummer (ex-Aardwolf and Omen) has had a short lay off but is now back in the full stick-weilding swing. The band, who will be in action at Corvettes on Tuesday (see opposite) are delighted that Stuart has decided to rejoin the combo.
“We are absolutely over the moon,” said band spokesman Mark Mortimer. “He is probably the best drummer I have ever worked with and the whole of the band feel very happy about all this.”
Tamworth Herald – 27/10/89
Fetch Eddie who have had more than their fair share of bad luck in recent years, have suffered another disaster. Guitarist Aaron James was involved in a car crash recently and as well as suffering facial injuries he also hurt his guitar playing fingers. As a result Fetch Eddie have had to cancel one or two future concerts and their plans have been thrown somewhat into disarray. Our best wishes to Aaron and here’s hoping he gets back on stage SOON!
Tamworth Herald – 27/10/89
Eight Ball Joe, the rock a boogie outfit, are on the lookout for a new bass player. The group want someone capable of playing a mixture of heavy rock/ r ‘n’ b and good times boogie to contact them.
Tamworth Herald – 27/10/89
Dance Stance’s management crew Goodyer Associates have added another (almost) as well known name to their books. The man in question is Ian Botham, undoubtedly one of the finest Britons alive and someone who shares Stanceman Paul Hanlon’s shy, retiring nature. My thanks to Melissa Goodyer for finally getting me the band’s recent demo which I hope to look at very shortly indeed.
Tamworth Herald – 27/10/89
Catch 23, who hit London again on Tuesday played two other shows last week in nearby Lichfield and not-so-nearby Congleton (Manchester) They played the Monterrey Exchange at almost no notice whatsoever and completely won over spectators and management alike and also fed the insatiable appetites of their young female fans in Congleton 24 hours later. Talking of insatiable, how are you this morning Steve?
Tamworth Herald – 27/10/89
Rhythm Damage (that’s Rikk from DHSS and Chris from What’s This) are due to hit the studios soon for their first demo. As regards the original DHSS, several people have asked me recently whether they have split up or not. Well although things have gone extremely quiet, my knowledge is that far from splitting they are about to play a series of big dates. That must be good news because their silence since the Fest has been quite alarming and it would be a shame if they let the momentum of the Sputnik gig, the MUSICBOX poll result and their festival headlining slot go to waste.
Tamworth Herald – 27/10/89
Rape in Yellow are looking to support a band towards the end of November. If you have an Arts Centre vacancy why not give Graham a ring.
Tamworth Herald – 27/10/89
Jim Kerr look-a-like hits back
Dear Sam,
Being the soon-to-be-ex-guitarist of the Ruby Blazes I feel compelled to write a reply to the recent letter criticising us.
First off I would like to say that I personally bear about as much resemblance to Jim Kerr as Bernard Manning does. Secondly, I would like to point out to the letter’s writer ‘Bob’s Headshave’ that our bass player is in Greece. Not only that but we had little time to finalise material as the concert was only confirmed on the Wednesday of the same week. This, if the show was a little spontaneous and disorganised then I apologise, but I put it down to lack of time.
As a group, we do not take things too seriously, we play to please ourselves. If ‘Robert’s Perm and Tint Please’ doesn’t like it then (with all due respect) he can (the remainder is CENSORED!)
Yours truly, Jamie (Isle of White’ Kerr, Amington , Tamworth Herald
PS I prefer ‘Tommy’ by the Who as well and they were excellent at the NEC last week. Bye!!
The Magnets
Tavern in the Town
Litany of Fear
What’s This Heads Down Mindless boogie About Nothing
Tamworth Arts Centre
Bash Out The Odd
Big Noise
King Woderick and the Yogots
Corvettes Wine Bar