Tamworth Bands History : 1984 : March
Lichfield Arts Centre
Tamworth Herald – 02/03/84
Tamworth Herald – 02/03/84
Amanda Hemming – (later drummer with Wolfsbane - Ed.) – becomes Tamworth’s first Peel Queen.
Tamworth Herald – 02/03/84
SITTING Pretty have been voted as the top local band in the annual poll of Tamworth’s premier fanzine “Tambeat”.
The Top 10 local bands were:
1. Sitting Pretty
2. Classified Ads
3. The Royal Family
4. Those Attractive Magnets
5. The Dream Factory
6. Talk back
7. The Visitors
8. Select Elect
9. Formaldehyde
10. BHX
Elsewhere in the poll the readers gave an overwhelming vote for the Bank Holiday rock festival as the top local event of 1983 – a reminder for the organisers that people want another one this year.
Tamworth Herald – 02/03/84
The recent A4 review by Musicbox correspondent Rachel Harris produced the following interesting letter:
“I would like to disagree with Miss Harris’ comment about A5’s vocals resembling a combination of Cure singer Robert Smith and Julian Cope.
Although we did not see A5’s performance ourselves, my friend and I have heard A5’s original form, Lambent Lamella, on several occasions and were not particularly impressed.
If A5 are as good as you make out, why then did they change his name? I’m not sure what Julian feels about your comment, but on behalf of Robert, I feel that you should think more closely before your comparisons go to print.
”CURE FANS”, Tamworth Herald
Musicbox Editor’s Note:
Thank-you for the letter, but I don’t think it is fair for you to criticise A5 when you didn’t see them. I also witnessed the group’s original formation Lambent Lamella, but to criticise A5 on the strength of the different line-up is unfair. You seem to be not only Cure fans, but also self-appointed defenders of the band. The fact remains that they may have soundalikes.
Tamworth Herald – 02/03/84
BHX have arranged a new date in their Midlands-trotting tour. They will be appearing with three other bands at Lichfield Arts Centre on Friday, March 2.
Tamworth Herald – 09/03/84
More a Whimper than a growl
WHEN The Dream Factory released their debut demo-cassette just a few months ago, I hailed it as the first bold step in what I think is the band’s inevitable rise to success.
Subsequent gigs have done nothing to dent my impression that the Factory are going places, but unfortunately, I feel this new trio of songs is going to have very little effect on the band’s future.
No matter how hard you try and like it, you are led to the recurring conclusion that the tape is a massive disappointment.
The music is still tight, professional and well-balanced but it is just so colourless and non-eventful that it is like a K-Tel group playing Dream Factory numbers.
Take, for example, the opening number ‘Game Of Life’, Lyrically the song is very strong but none of the bitterness or comment inherent in the words comes across because of the rather lukewarm music.
The song merely ambles along – when you know it should power along. Tim Goode’s ever-improving vocal lacks that vital edge.
After ‘Game Of Life’ comes the newly reworked version of the classic ‘Keeping Myself to Myself’. Live, this song really hit hard and I was eager to hear how a studio could further enhance it.
The song is saved by the superb brass section which brings life and movement to an otherwise unexciting performance. I am convinced that if the Factory had recorded this song live at one of their recent excellent gigs, it would be a vast improvement and could be seen by local music buffs as the brilliant number it really is.
The final track on the tape is ‘Created Feelings’. A relatively new number with an excellent Mark Mortimer tune, this is a song that whimpers when it should growl. It is musically a little sluggish but is made far more listenable by the quite superb vocal treatment where drummer Steve Quilton put in some marvellous backing to Tim’s main chant.
In truth however, the disappointment about this tape – which extends to the band members themselves – will probably be limited because it will be released to the public with the first demo, making a highly compact and varied six-track cassette. The first demo is undoubtedly better and when its three tunes are matched with these, it should give the listener a fair idea of what the Dream factory are all about.
In time to come the band will probably look back on this tape as a disappointing, rather non-eventful hiccup in their career. It should server to calm their understandable ecstasy and put their feet firmly back on the ground.
And that in itself is no bad thing.

Tamworth Herald – 09/03/84
One of the town’s best known pub and club bands – Something Else – are on the lookout for a new lead singer. The band; who can boast three or four gigs every week in the area, are looking for a dedicated front man capable of singing a wide cross-section of pop music – including original material.
If you feel you have the talent and time – to work with such a well-established band, the person to contact is Ian.
Tamworth Herald – 09/03/84
Musicbox this week is pleased to hear that former Travelling Dog trumpeter and well-known local music buff Chris Underwood has come out of hospital following a serious road accident last year.
Although Chris will still be on crutches for another three months, we wish him well and hope to manage a swift and complete recovery.
Tamworth Herald – 09/03/84
BHX are appealing for all their fans to support them at a gig on Sunday night at the Park Inn at Kettlebrook. The club does not normally put on rock bands and BHX say that a good turnout might convince them to make it into a more regular venue.
Dream Factory
Polesworth Miners Welfare Club
Park Inn, Kettlebrook
Tamworth Herald – 16/03/84
A TAMWORTH DJ has offered a cash reward for the return of a thousand ‘virtually irreplaceable’ records stolen from him at the weekend.
The records – mainly by reggae and ‘Sixties artists – were snatched as the DJ was putting away his equipment after a late-night private party at Kettlebrook Working Men’s Club.
Andrew Robinson, of Freeford, who has been a DJ for ten years, said he left the records in his van for just a minute while he went off to get some more of his gear, before setting off home.
Andrew has built up the collection over a number of years, and has a list of every record stolen – including an original copy of ‘Al Capone’ by Prince Buster.
Anyone who may know the whereabouts of the records is urged to contact the police as soon as possible, “I will give a reward in cash if I get the records back because they mean so much to me,” said Andrew.
Tamworth Herald – 16/03/84
A NEW heavy metal band with the majestic name of Whyte Orion has been formed in the town and are on the lookout for two guitarists to complete their line-up.
The band who say they are influenced by the traditional heavy acts such as Black Sabbath and Dio, are looking for a rhythm and bass guitarist so they can begin gigging immediately.
They are looking for experienced musicians who are willing to take the band seriously and play and help write the group’s original material.
THE Dream Factory have been given their first residency – at Polesworth Miners’ Welfare Club. The offer of the residency came after the band played what is considered to be one of their best ever gigs at the venue on Sunday. It means that the group will be the main attraction of a soul and sixties night at the club every three weeks.
“We are very pleased about this because it is a good venue,” said bassist Mark Mortimer. The band have also announced a major town centre gig in May. They will be playing with The Crowd and Soul Exit in a special sixties night at the Arts Centre on Friday May 18.
Sacred Heart Centre
Dream Factory
The Crowd
Soul Exit
Tamworth Arts Centre
Tamworth Herald – 23/03/84
A NEW YOUNG soul band who are aiming to recreate the sound and feeling of the sixties, have just launched themselves on the area. The Crowd are five enthusiastic and ambitious youngsters who say they have formed a band to try and liven up the ‘rubbish music scene’ in their native Atherstone.
Inspired by bands like early Dexys, Secret Affair and a number of soul acts from the Sixties. The Crowd say they are determined to go right to the top.
“We want to take this band very seriously and get our name know by as many people as possible,” said lead vocalist Paul Hanlon.
The Crowd were formed in October last year after singer Paul’s first unsuccessful attempt to set up a band in Atherstone.
Despite the setback, Paul was determined to set up a group and his luck began to change when he teamed up with keen bassist Neil Sheasby. The duo found they had many ideas in common and when they enlisted Nick Thomas on lead guitar, Phil Ford on drums and finally Jim Stretton on trumpet, The Crowd changed into a productive and enthusiastic band.
The group were at first frustrated by the lack of suitable venues in Atherstone, but when they met kindred spirits The Dream Factory, things took a definite step forward.
“We owe a lot to the Dream Factory,” admitted Paul. “They pushed us along and offered us gigs and we are very grateful,” he said.
The Factory took an interest in The Crowd the moment they heard of them and soon offered them support slots at concerts. And the reaction at concerts and the general experience of the gig has certainly excited the band.
“We really love playing live and we hope to do a lot more gigs in the future,” said Paul.
The band admit that they seem to fit in better in Tamworth due to the strange fact that there is a massive following of sixties-type music in the town. Whenever The Crowd play in Tamworth they are almost guaranteed a good –sized audience and when they team up with the Dream Factory and Soul Exit at the Arts Centre in May, a sell-out is a certainty.
At the moment The Crowd’s set is made up exclusively of cover songs but they hope by the time they do their next gif they will be able to incorporate some of their own material.
”We have written about four of our own songs now but we want to get them all just right before we play them live,” said Paul.
With youth on their side – the oldest member of The Crowd is only 17 – the sky really is the limit for the band but before they go any further they want a keyboard player to complete their line-up.
They feel that five is company but six is The Crowd!
Belgrave Sports and Social Club
Tamworth Herald – 30/03/84
Julian Cope – Birmingham Odeon
IF TAMWORTH seemed to be just a little quiet on Saturday night, then a quick trip to the Birmingham Odeon would have shown why.
For on Saturday Julian Cope, the town’s most famous musical export, took to the Odeon stage – and it seemed as though half of Tamworth was there to greet him.
Score of local people, including a large number of Tamworth ‘popstars’ had made the short journey, and few could have left disappointed.
Tamworth Herald – 30/03/84
TAMWORTH’s most popular band, The Dream Factory, have announced a ‘spring cleaning’ which could spark off a whole new phase in the group’s history.
For the band is on the lookout for new brass players, a new keyboard player, a manager and dedicated followers who would like to join its first fan club.
And as if all that was not enough to occupy the band’s minds, they have also this week released their six track cassette for which orders have already started to come in.
All the Dream Factory’s current desire for change was set off when regular trumpeters Robin Manuel and Stuart Ashmore announced that due to other commitments they would have to leave the band.
The group decided immediately they would like to keep a brass section, and so they are appealing to any would-be trumpeters and trombonists keen to play the Factory’s own brand of soul music, to get in touch with them. And at the same time the band have decided to search for a keyboard player to plug the gap that has sometimes been noticed in their live work.
The requirements for anyone wishing to take up these posts are simple and straightforward.
“We want people who will be dedicated to the Dream Factory and are willing to give up a lot of their time to help us,” said ever-optimistic bass player Mark Mortimer.
If the Factory find replacements it will herald virtually the third line-up the band has so far had. The other two set-ups can now be heard on the band’s first publicly available cassette, which comes with the grandiose title of “The Rhythm and Fire and All Things Groovy in Purple”. The six tracks feature some of the band’s finest numbers including “The Haze” and “Keeping Myself to Myself” and were recorded at two separate sessions in the past six months. The tape costs just £1.50 – and is good value for it – and is available from any member or “Tamdisk” in Lichfield Street.
Anyone interested in becoming a member of the fan club…
With all this activity on the boil – plus dates confirmed at Rawlett School on April 4, Top Cub, Polesworth, April 7 and Polesworth Miners Club on April 1, The Factory are particularly keen to find a manager who can take over their day to day tasks and leave them to write music.
Anyone interested in taking up any of the positions in the increasingly ambitious and expanding Dream Factory machine is asked to contact Mark…
Tamworth Herald – 30/03/84
Tonight’s scheduled ‘alternative disco’ which was due to be held at the Rugby Club has been cancelled at the last moment by the club’s committee. The exciting looking disco which was billed as covering everything from The Smiths to Killing Joke was called off this week to the anger of the DJ Rich Leech. Rich who was keen to set up a regular disco of this kind in the town, says that the cancellation is indicative of why young people often moan that there is nothing to do in Tamworth.. Musicbox shares Rich’s disappointment at the cancellation and wish him the best of luck in finding an ‘alternative’ venue to his much-needed alternative disco.
Tamworth Herald – 30/03/84
Another young and ambitious heavy metal band is all set to launch itself on the unsuspecting Tamworth public. ‘Wolfsbane’, who have the unique distinction of a female drummer, have been rehearsing hard for a while, but before they go any further they have decided they need a vocalist to complete their line-up. The suitable applicant should like hard heavy music and should be prepared to work hard with the other three members of the group, all of whom are keen to start gigging soon. If this sounds like your kind of band the person to contact is Jeff.
Tamworth Herald – 30/03/84
Tamworth Arts Centre has managed to put on a whole series of good bands lately but I was still amazed on a recent visit to see a notice saying ‘David Bowie’ was to appear there shortly. On closer examination it seemed that Bowie will be at the Arts Centre on Sunday, April 1. I will see you all there.
The Progressive