Tamworth Bands History : 1967
The Power and the Glory – Advert
Formerly The Four XXXXs
Tamworth Herald – 06/10/67
Beat Group – Chapter 24 Available for Bookings
Swinging 67 – The Gass
Plus DJ Geoff
Foseco Sports and Social Club
Take Five Dance Combo and The Teen Beats
Drayton Manor, Missanda Suite
Crows Nest Discotheque
Re-opening Tonight
Wilnecote Parish Hall
Graham Bond Organisation plus The Locomotive
Clubland Promotions (Tamworth)
A fantastic Five Hour Non-Stop
With Jimmy Powell’s Backing Groups from Birmingham
The Whisky Macs plus The Nice
Polesworth Memorial Hall, 8.00pm-1.00am
Admission: 6/-
Tuesday’s Children
Plus The Geoff Owen Record Show
Foseco Sports and Social Club
Crows Nest Discotheque
The Traction
The Happy Magazine
Foseco Sports and Social Club
Jeff Beck (Hi-Ho Silver Lining)
And The Parchment People
Also Mickey Dunne DJ and Go-Go Dancers
Assembly Rooms, 8.00pm-12 midnight
Admission: 10/-
Tamworth Herald – 27/10/67
A 20 year-old Glascote bride went to her wedding at Lichfield wearing a Red Indian squaw's outfit and wielding a decorated tomahawk.
Passers-by stopped and stared at the scene at the City's Registry Office - for tape weaver Heather, of Macgregor Crescent, was accompanied by an equally unconventional groom.
Her husband to be, 20 year-old Roger Robinson, of French Avenue, Mile Oak, wore a blue, lemon and white-flowered suit with bell-bottomed trousers, a smart flowered shirt and white shoes.
Roger who purchased his 10 guinea suit from a Tamworth "Mod" Shop said "We're both unconventional, we like doing unusual things and this is why we decided not to stick to tradition".
Heather, who said they had known each other for just over three years chose her costume from a Birmingham gown hire firm. With a plunging "V"neck-line, decorated and heavily fringed on the sleeves and hems, it also had a squaw's head dress decorated with pearl strands.
After the ceremony, the couple - who are both fans of the Stones - kissed each other and then walked away, arm-in-arm to a waiting car. The reception was held at Tamworth.
Clubland Promotions (Tamworth)
Big Beat Dance
This years winners of the Midland Beat – The Trendmen
Plus The Sky Blue Pink Band
Polesworth Memorial Hall
Big Beat
The Trendmen plus Grade One
Atherstone Memorial Hall, 8.00pm-11.30pm
Admission: 6/-
The Amboy Dukes
Foseco Sports and Social Club
The Vogues plus The Fyx
Mickey Dunne DJ and the Go-Go Girls
Assembly Rooms, 8.00pm-12 midnight
Admission: 10/-
Crows Nest Discotheque
The String Beats
Teen Beat Dance
The Mike Trevalan Group
Hurley Village Hall
Admission: 4/-
Mile Oak Rovers FC Grand November Dance
The Power and The Glory
Mile Oak … Centre, 8.00pm-12 midnight
Admission: 6/-
The Rhythm Ranchers
Tamworth Progressive Club
Midland Red Sports and Social Club
Lloyd Jackson and His Band
The Easy Beats
Drayton Manor Park, Missanda Suite
The Fantastic Wynder K. Frogg
Plus The Bark (for purists)
Mickey Dunne DJ
Assembly Rooms
Beat Dance
The Toby Jugs and The Mail
Drayton Manor Missanda Suite
Glascote Working Mens Club
The Tritons
The Power and Glory and guests at the Fazeley Swifts Dance, Drayton Manor. |
Power and Glory
Fazeley Swifts Dance
Drayton Manor
The Lovin’ Kind
Amington Liberal Club
The Teen Beats
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
Crows Nest Discotheque
Milton Jones Band
Big Beat
The Trendmen and The Teen Beats
Atherstone Memorial Hall, 8.00pm-11.30pm
Admission: 6/-
Tamworth Herald - 22/11/67
Attempts by two entertainment firms to make a success of "pop" dances for young people at Tamworth's Assembly Rooms have failed.
Lack of support for the dances and now a licensees "refusal" to continue running a bar in the rooms are given as the reasons.
Manbourne promotions, of Birmingham, held its third successive weekly dance at the Rooms last Friday night. Only 50 people arrived and Mr Keith Bourne, 27 year-old co-director of the firm said: "This will definitely be our last dance here".
The company had booked the Corporation-owned Rooms for Friday night dances over three months and held an option for a further contract.
An "extremely disappointed" Mr Bourne said at the dance: "In the time I have been promoting dances, support has never been worse than it has here.
"We have lost a total of about £160 on three dances", he said. "We had been expecting an attendance of about 300 at each".
At the first of the dances, 160 paid for admission, Mr Bourne said. At the second, the attendance dropped to 75.
Two pop groups have played at each dance, and there have been the additional attractions of a disc jockey and two "go-go" dancers.
"On each occasion the main group was extremely well known to pop music fans. The main group at the last dance has featured in recent top-ten record charts. All three main groups have been very expensive."
Mr Bourne claimed the mix up earlier this year in which Manfred Mann failed to appear for a dance at the Rooms, meant people lost faith in dances there.
On Monday this week B.T. Enterprises, a Birmingham firm associated with Manbourne, announced it was to continue the dances, following the cancellation decision.
"We will give it a try", said a spokesman. "Our idea is to present dances for the "in" people and have groups that are not expensive. The 10/- cost of admission to the first three dances would be reduced by half because we think the high charge might have been a deterrent".
But on Wednesday B.T. Enterprises made another announcement - that the dance planned for tonight was to be called off. "The man who has been running the bar at the Rooms has decided not to sell any more", said the spokesman. No reasons were given. "We told him we would cover any losses he might incur, but he would not change his mind.
"We have tried to get someone else to run a bar to enable us to consider staging a dance next week".
As young people danced to "pop" group music at Tamworths Assembly Rooms, two security men with Alsatian guard dogs patrolled the building.
An entertainments firm which promoted the dance brought in two guard dogs as a deterrent against rowdyism.
"They will soon put a stop to any trouble if it does flare-up," 27 year-old Mr Keith Bourne co-director of the company, said at the dance.
Mr Bourne said he had heard that "pop" dances at the Assembly Rooms and elsewhere in Tamworth sometimes attracted the undesirable element.
"Guard dogs are a far greater deterrent than any number of bouncers," he said.
There was no trouble for the dogs to deal with at the dance. But two or three young men insisted on being admitted after the doors had closed, they "soon changed their minds" when the dogs were taken towards the door.
The Dimensions
Polesworth Working Men's Club
Big Beat
The Trendmen
Atherstone Memorial Hall, 8.00pm-11.30pm
Admission: 6/-
Wynder K. Frogg (Island recording star)
Foseco Sports and Social Club
The Power and The Glory (with “Kipper”)
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
Krater’s Moon
Mile Oak Youth Club Grand December Dance
Mile Oak Community Centre
The Zodiacs
Glascote Working Men's Club
The Tritons
Tamworth Progressive Club
The Trendmen
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
The Power and The Glory
Fazeley Youth Club
Swinging 67 - The Strange Fruits
Foseco Sports and Social Club
The Wanderers
Royal Oak, Kingsbury
The Hiltones with Johnny Revill and The Wanderers
Drayton Manor Park Christmas Dance, 8.00pm-12 midnight
Admission: 8/-
The Wanderers
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
EB Hamel & Son Ltd.,
New Years Eve Dance
Bob Hayward Dance Band and The Sky Blue Pink Group
Assembly Rooms
New Years Eve Dance
Bob Mason Orchestra
Foseco Sports and Social Club