Tamworth Bands History : 1975
Tamworth Herald – 03/10/75
Tamworth Herald – 03/10/75
Jake Thackery
Wigginton Hotel Folk Club
Tamworth Herald – 10/10/75
Tamworth Young Farmers Bar-B-Que
Kwil and DJ
Dale Farm, Haunton
Folk Singers Night
Unicorn Folk Club
DJ Barry John
Assembly Rooms
Tamworth Herald – 10/10/75
Tamworth Herald – 10/10/75
Tamworth’s new arts centre may be a temporary cinema after the Palace closes its doors for the last time on November 1.
Council officials are toying with the idea of using the new centre in Church Street for public film shows while a new cinema is built in the town.
Facilities at the arts centre which opens on November 14th include a file projector purchased with a £650 grant from a charitable trust.
The Palace Cinema which had an average of 2,000 film goers a week is to be demolished to make way for the new Ankerside shopping centre. Plans for a new cinema to be built on land off Spinning School and Gungate are currently being drawn up. The council said that “every effort” will be being made to complete the new cinema by the end of March next year.
At a meeting of the council’s Leisure Activities Committee, Borough Recreation and Amenities Officer Mr. Brian Moore said: We are committed to provide some form of public cinema, and the arts centre would be an obvious option.”
Councillor Ron Cook, the committee chairman, suggested that the 100 seat auditorium could be used for Saturday morning shows until the new cinema was completed.
He said that he thought that the Palace closure would be an opportunity for local film societies to be revived, helping to fill the gap.
Tamworth Herald –10/10/75
Hire charges drawn up for Tamworth’s arts centre could turn the building into a “white elephant” a councillor has claimed.
Councillor Eric Johnson said: “Many groups might go to the nearest pub instead. It would be a lot cheaper”.
Speaking at a meeting of the Borough Council’s Leisure Activities Committee, he claimed there would also be difficulties because of space restrictions. He pointed out that drama groups needed somewhere to make stage sets, and somewhere to store them.
Councillor Johnson, a Borough Council representative on Tamworth Arts Advisory Council, said: “I can’t see a lot of groups using the centre as we would like.
“Unless we are very careful some of them will not survive.”
But the room charges were defended by Borough Recreation and Amenities Officer Mr. Brian Moore. “I think the facilities will be well worth the money”, he said.
The centre, a former Baptist chapel, has cost a total of £67,500 to convert and equip.
Income in the first full year is estimated at £5,000 – compared with running costs of £14,000. This figure includes loan charges on the Borough Council’s £50,000 share of the bill, and on the £60,000 it paid to buy the building.
Groups will be charged £1.50 an hour for hiring the auditorium for rehearsals, meetings and club nights, and £2 an hour for public performances and social functions.
But groups within the town’s Arts Advisory Council will get concessions.
The Arts Council is to discuss a proposal that is should pay a fixed fee of £900 a year for the use of all rooms in the centre on three evenings a week for rehearsals and meetings. The full hiring rate would be charged for public events.
The annual fee represents a reduction of about 40 per cent on charges for casual users.
A report by the Borough Council’s chief officers said the pricing policy was designed to recoup a certain amount of the annual running costs of the centre without pricing organisations out of the building.
The centre would primarily provide a permanent home for many of the present arts groups in the town, the report stated.
And there would be facilities for the formation of new organisations formed by centre members or as an off-shoot of promotions organised by the manager, such as folk music groups or poetry-reading circles.
Individual as well as group membership is to be encouraged. “If the centre is to achieve the impact such a building should have on the community, it is important that the public should be encouraged to feel some sort of affinity to it,” the chief officers stressed.
Daytime use of the centre would provide an ideal recreation facility for pensioners, young wives’ groups and the unemployed as well as extra teaching facilities for local schools wishing to use the building for arts and craft classes.
Group activities in the evening could include a film club, folk club, music, arts and crafts and record classes, and writers’ circles.
Tamworth arts organisations are now being asked to contribute to a fortnight’s festivities which will follow the opening of the centre by Mr. Bruce Grocott, Tamworth’s MP on November 21.
On November 21 and 22 the Pentabus touring company of West Midlands Arts will be launching the programme with performances of “The Charlie Chaplin Show” – a lighthearted dramatisation of the star’s life.
Bill Caddock
Wigginton Hotel Folk Club
Archie Fisher
Unicorn Folk Club
Tamworth Herald – 17/10/75
Concept is a band that Tamworth will be hearing a lot more about in the future.
The six-man group, which includes three Tamworth men, basically jazz-rock orientated and is highly talented, to say the least.
With Tamworth’s Tony Lee on keyboards, Vernon Wingrave (bass), Colin Edmonds (percussion) and Burton’s Dave Brown (drums), Brian Fennell (saxes) and Derby’s Kip Wilkes (saxes). Concept has been together five years with various personnel.
The present line-up has been together five-months although the rhythm section has been around for all five years.
Concept has built up it’s names, playing at various clubs in the Midlands and has broadcast on BBC Radio.
Tony Lee was involved with the running of Tamworth’s jazz club at the Jolly Sailor a few years back and he aims to start a similar idea on Sunday, 2
“We intend to start a club at Tamworth F.C. social club on November 2 and then on the first Sunday of each month if things go really well and maybe on other evenings.” Said Tony.
Concept’s intention is to organise live music of this kind as with the exception of the Wigginton Hotel Folk Club there is little or none available in Tamworth.
“We would be putting our own jazz-rock group on as the resident band and hope to attract guest groups to play with us, plus local groups of any type other than pop and folk said an enthusiastic Lee.
The Concept members say there is little opportunity for groups to play in public and they hope that this venture will encourage new groups and give them a valuable chance to play in front of audiences. It will also provide exposure for our band, Concept and provide fund for Tamworth F.C. Supporters Club.” Added Tony.
Concept anticipates just covering expenses for the musicians and the first nights admission will be 30p.
Any interested music groups and bands should contact Tony Lee at Tamworth 40*** or 021 558 0602.
Tamworth Cricket and Hockey Club
Joe Loss and His Orchestra
Drayton Manor, Tower Ballroom
Wood End Working Mens Club
Cucumber Castle
Tamworth Progressive Club
Kingsbury Working Mens Club
Tamworth Herald – 24/10/75
Palace – Confessions of a Pop Perfomer (X)
Chris Collard
Unicorn Folk Club
Tamworth Herald – 24/10/75
Armpit Jug Band
Wigginton Hotel Folk Club
Chuck Rogers
Unicorn Folk Club
Tamworth Herald – 31/10/75
The Palace – The End
Tamworth Herald – 31/10/75
Progressive jazz-rock band who dreamt up the idea of a new music club in Tamworth. Opening night is Sunday when they give another band the chance to share the bill with them. |
You could say that Sunday marks a new Concept in music in the Tamworth area.
Six-man jazz-rock band Concept sees the start of their live music club on Sunday. The event starts around 7.30pm.
Concept which includes three Tamworth men, has built up a strong name, playing at various clubs in the Midlands and broadcast on BBC Radio.
Keyboard player, Tony Lee, from Tamworth “We are trying to build a sort of platform for other bands to come and play to live audiences. We shall be resident but want other groups that is other than pop or folk to come along and perform.”
Concept’s intention is to encourage live music, basically of any orientation as, with the exception of the Wigginton Hotel folk club, there is little or no venues in Tamworth.
Lee was involved in the formation of Tamworth’s jazz club at the Jolly Sailor a few years back and Sunday’s new club will cost those interested just 30p.
Members of Concept are Tony Lee (Tamworth), Vernon Wingrove (Tamworth), Colin Edmonds (Tamworth), Dave Brown (Burton), Brian Fennell and Kip Wilkes (Derby). They say there is little opportunity for groups to play in public. Those sharing the bill with Concept at Sunday’s opening concert is a band called 69.
The band was formed six months ago when two members from a local three piece group Squashed Hedgehog joined tow others from Armageddon from Birmingham.
In the past 69, has been busy playing the Birmingham pub circuit and use a lot of their own material.
The band is eager to play in the Tamworth area and is trying to break into the local barbeque scene next summer.
A demo tape recorded earlier this year was highly encouraging and 69 hope to record their first LP in the coming year when suitable material has been chosen.
Austrey’s Simon Welch is the band’s lead singer, while Kingsbury lad Phil Seedhouse plays drums and provides backing vocals. The two other members of the band are both guitarists from Birmingham.
Tamworth Rugby Union Football Club
Cupids Inspiration
At Smiths Warehouse, A5, Fazeley
Tamworth Progressive Club
Elford Working Mens Club
Jerry Lockran
Wigginton Hotel Folk Club
Steve Tilson
Unicorn Folk Club
Tamworth Herald – 07/11/75
Dragon Fly
Hurley Working Mens Club
Tamworth Progressive Club
Atherstone FC Social Club
Tamworth Herald – 14/11/75
Tamworth Herald – 14/11/75
A music, singing and dancing licence was granted to Tamworth arts centre in Church Street by the borough’s licensing committee on Tuesday.
The licence will run from 10a.m. to 2a.m. from Monday to Friday in each week and from 10a.m. to 11.45p.m. on Saturday. Musical entertainment will be allowed on Sundays from 2p.m. to 10p.m.
Similar facilities were granted for the Wilnecote community centre.
The Tamworth Singers will be featured with the Amington Band at a concert to be given in the centre on the evening of Tuesday December 2.
Tamworth Herald – 14/11/75
Tamworth Arts Centre opens its doors to the general public at 7 p.m. on Saturday, November 22. The centre will be officially opened on the previous Friday by Mr. Bruce Grocott M.P., but because of the seating limitations admittance to the opening will be by invitation only.
To extend the opening as much as possible and enable the maximum number of people to see the centre and the facilities available. Dave Armour, the centre manager, has arranged a programme of events which will appeal to all tastes.
This programme will cover the first two weeks of the centre being open and includes drama, classical music, folk music, poetry, film, dance and a brass band concert. The centre will also be open during the day when several exhibitions will be staged.
These performances will be presented by professional and local entertainers and the manager hopes that future use of the centre will be similarly divided.
The new centre, originally a 19th century music-hall, has served several functions before its recent conversion. Prior to being bought by the Borough Council, the building had been a Baptist Chapel and now after several month of alteration, it houses a 100 seat auditorium, three multi-purpose rooms and a coffee bar.
Mr. Armour is hopeful that during the day people with a few minutes to spare will pop in for coffee and perhaps take in whatever promotions the centre is offering. The building has much to offer to organisations who are looking for day-time meeting rooms and the manager wishes to encourage people who have a need of this sort to take advantage of its facilities.
Mr. Armour will welcome any voluntary assistance, and particularly persons with a few hours a week to spare and some talent which could be utilised by the centre. This is not to say particularly people of an artistic nature – but also tradesmen of any description, whose skills would be most welcome.
Saturday, November 22:
The first presentation will be a potted history of one of the world’s most popular entertainers, Charlie Chaplin in a show presented by the West Midlands Arts Rural Touring Company “Pentabus” called “The Charlie Chaplin Show”.
Sunday, November 23:
Tamworth Choral Society present choruses from Messiah (including the Hallelujah), Zadock the Priest and a chorus from Vivaldi’s Gloria (part of their next production).
Monday, November 24:
A folk concert featuring one of Britain’s top folk acts, The Watersons, who have been in existence for some years and are recognised as being one of the most knowledgeable and proficient acts on the folk scene. On the same bill will be Julia and Chris Lloyd, local traditional singers and Andy Dwyer, who hosts several clubs in the area.
Tuesday, November 25:
Music hall songs given a modern delivery is the basis of this entertainment from “Cosmotheka” (the name of an old London music hall). Brothers Dave and Al Sealey belt out in rapid succession songs made famous by some of the music hall greats. Completing the entertainment will be Barry Roberts and Steve Parks affecting comic and melodic songs.
Wednesday, November 26:
Tamworth Arts Club will present a musical miscellany of songs from their previous and future productions.
Thursday, November 27:
Tamworth Little Theatre Studio Players present “Percival the Performing Pig” and “Backward Glances” an evening of verse performed by members of the Little Theatre.
Friday, November 28:
Rat Theatre are a group of actors who have committed themselves to the physical rather than the vocal aspect of drama. “Reflextions” their current ‘play’ is the story of one man’s struggle to stay free from the corruptions of others around him and how these others attempt, by fair or foul means, to woo him over to their side. Completing this evening of modern theatre will be the MacNaughton Theatre Group.
Their production, “Freedom Trail” is a look a look at America in an anthology of scenes from plays, poetry and song taken from the works of Arthur Miller, Thornton Wilder, Arthur Kopit, George Bernard Shaw and others.
Saturday, Novemner 29:
Jean Tredaway (contralto), Kathryn Harries (soprano), Arthur Solomon (tenor) and Keith Leyton (bass-baritone), accompanied by May Barrs combine to present an evening of well-known solos, arias and duets no music lover will want to miss.
Jean Tredaway was born in Birmingham and studies with David Franklin at the Birmingham School of Music. She is a member of the Royal Opera Company and appears at this concert by permission of the General Administrator, Royal opera House, Covent Garden. Miss Tredaway is well known and prior to joining Covent Garden was a frequent prizewinner at Tamworth and other leading music festivals.
Kathryn Harries holds an honours degree in music from London University and has recently completed an extra year of studies with Constance Shacklock at the Royal Academy of Music.
Arthur Solomon studied with the German Operatic Conductor, Walter Staisny and sang with the National Theatre and Fine Arts Council Opera in Hobart, Tasmania, his birthplace. He has sung with the late Marie Collier and many other Australian singers who later went on to international careers. Since coming to this country, he has appeared in concerts in many parts of England.
Keith Leyton, from Tamworth, studied with Gordon Clinton at the Birmingham School of Music, and has won countless awards at leading festivals throughout the country. He is in great demand as a soloist with Midland choral and opera societies.
Sunday, November 30:
Zeffirelli’s “Romeo and Juliet” and a feature “Shakespeare: A Mirror to Men” make up the evening of cinema. Romeo and Juliet features Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey in the title roles, the first time the tragic young lovers have been portrayed by actors of approximately their own ages. The film also stars Milo O’Shea.
Monday, December 1:
Ray Hassett in “Wild Animals from Memory”. Ray Hassett is one half of “Sals Meat Market” one of the most popular and consistently amusing “Fringe Theatre Companies”. This one-man show is the story of a supermarket hold-up with Ray taking the parts of all the participants. “For an hour we are held breathless by the extraordinary adventure and the odd reality of the personnel – half cartoon, half photograph.” (The Stage and Television Today, Feb 20, 1975)
Tuesday, December 2:
A selection of popular brass band music is offered by Amington Band. This local band needs no introduction to people who enjoy first class band concerts.
Wednesday, December 3:
The first of two entertainments from local young people this week comes from pupils of Wilnecote Comprehensive School. Soloists from the school orchestra and the school folk group will provide an evening’s musical entertainment which will be of interesting variety.
Thursday, December 4:
A selection of films from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Film Library form the basis of this presentation by the Tamworth Natural History Society. Three films in all will be screened including Birds of Strathspey and others from the RSPB Film Library.
Friday, December 5:
Merseyside Unity Theatre’s production of Henry Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House” is the highlight of the centre’s theatre promotions this opening fortnight. This famous play, which revolves around Helmer’s sudden awareness that she is merely an ornament in her husband’s home is of theatre’s modern classics.
Saturday, December 6:
An evening of ballet winds up the fortnight’s varied programme. Tamworth Co-operative Youth Ballet under the direction Miss C. McCracken present “The Silver Fish”, “Golden Slave”, “The Dying Swan” plus divertissements solos by Sue Bailey and Yvonne Harris.
Further events to be presented will be announced when details become available. Something parents might like to bear in mind is the extent to which the centre during the Christmas holidays for children’s activities.
Some events have yet to be planned but the assistance of volunteers for this period will determine the scope of activities.
If you can help out in any way please contact Dave Armour on Tamworth 53092 or call in the Arts Centre any time.
Tamworth Herald – 14/11/75
The cases against two youths who denied throwing down chip papers in the street were dismissed by Tamworth magistrates on Tuesday.
Andrew Radek (19), of 74 Canning Road, Glascote and Kevin Sharp (19), of 13 Shelley Road, Coton Green, claimed it was a case of “mistaken identity”.
And the youths brought two of their friends to court to admit that it was they, and not the two defendants who had thrown down the papers.
The four boys were seen walking down Church Street by a police constable who said he saw Sharp “lag behind” the rest and throw some chip papers down by the side of the Co-operative sweet shop.
But Sharp denied buying any chips or even having any papers on him at the time.
The officer then said he followed the youths who walked across the Market Square and saw Radek throw his chip papers up on the roof of Christine’s toy shop.
But Radek said in court he had thrown his papers into a litter bin in Church Street and one of his friends, Christopher Morris, of Coton Green, said it was he who threw papers on the roof.
The fourth youth Paul Doulton, of Glascote, also admitted throwing down papers and said he threw his on top of Barclays Bank.
Mr. Jan Jellema, defending Sharp, said: “I can only think the constable must have been mistaken and that would be quite understandable as the lighting in the area is not very good”.
And Radek’s solicitor, Mr. David Dewes, said: “There are a number of grey areas in this case and unless the bench are really sure it would be unwise to convict.”
Wigginton Hotel Folk Club
Tamworth Herald – 21/11/75
Finishing touches were being added to Tamworth's new £67,000 Arts Centre this week in readiness for its opening ceremony tonight (Friday 21st November 1975)
The Centre which is housed in the old Baptist Church building in Church Street, will be opened by Tamworth's M.P. Mr. Bruce Grocott - and already a full programme has been arranged including shows by a travelling theatre company and recitals by local musicians.
"We're in the last throes of preparation work, "centre manager Dave Armour said yesterday. "All that remains is to hang the curtains and finish off the lighting,"
Kingsbury Working Mens Club
Dragon Fly
Kingsbury Working Mens Club
Belgrave Miners Welfare Club
Belgrave Miners Welfare Club
Disco Dance
DJ – George Ferguson, Geoff Owen
Drayton Manor, Missanda Suite
Joe Stead
Wigginton Hotel Folk Club
Rosemary Hardman
Unicorn Folk Club
Tamworth Herald – 28/11/75
Tamworth’s M.P. Mr. Bruce Grocott, said at its official opening on Friday that the town’s new arts Centre was one of the “real Benefits” of town expansion.
Speaking to a first night audience of special guests, including the Mayor and Mayoress of Tamworth, Councillor and Mrs. Doug Bonas. Mr. Grocott said this year had been “quite remarkable” so far as Tamworth was concerned, with the opening of the Municipal Golf Course and now the arts centre.
“It is a time to be very proud of indeed. We’re beginning to see some of the real benefits of town expansion.”
Mr.Grocott said Britain and Europe had a “tremendous arts heritage” and added “The greatest source we have is the talent and potential of the people and I hope the people of this town will take advantage of the centre.”
He said the centre would make the arts available to a wider range of people.
“All involved in the adaptation of the building are to be congratulated”.
Mr. Grocott and the Mayor and Mayoress toured the building – previously a Baptist Chapel – which house a 100 seat auditorium, three multi-purpose rooms and a coffee bar.
The guests later saw a performance of the centre’s first presentation, a potted history of Charlie Chaplin by the West Midlands Arts Rural touring Company “Pentabus”.
Mr. Brian Moore, the Borough Recreation and Amenities Officer, said the company had given a “superb” performance.
“It went extremely well and most of the guests stayed behind for a chat with the actors after the show.
“We hope the public of Tamworth will support the events at the centre,” he said.
“The initial response was encouraging and we hop the centre will go from strength to strength.”
Tamworth Herald – 28/11/75
DJ Nij Redfern
Tamworth F.C. Social Club
The Chequers
Armpit Jug Band
Unicorn Folk Club
The Hush
Fazeley Victory Club
Money Spider
Polesworth Working Mens Club
Fazeley Victory Club
Tamworth Herald – 26/12/75
Glascote Working Mens Club
High Estate
Tamworth Progressive Club
The Chequers