Tamworth Bands History : 1967
The Wanderers
Royal Oak
The M.I.M.S
Tamworth Progressive Club
The Rev-Counters and The Un-Quiet
Kettlebrook Working Men's Club
Orton on the Hill Riding Club Big Beat Dance
The Cataracts
The Wanderers
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
The Rhythm Ranchers
Wood End Working Mens Club
The New Wave
Netherseal Young Farmers Club Dance
Polesworth Memorial Hall, 9.00pm-11.15pm
Admission: 5/-
The Dimensions and The Convention
Kettlebrook Working Men's Club
The Easy Beats
Tamworth Progressive Club
The Four XXXXs
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
Foseco Sports and Social Club
Swinging 67 – Sound Society
Hi-Fi Discotheque – DJ Mr. Soul latest discs from Atlantic, Blue Beat and Tamla Labels
The Rocking Thunderbolts
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
Top 20 Record Show
Assembly Rooms Tamworth
Top Groups, Top DJ, Mini Movies, Record Giveaway
Admission: 3/-
Fazeley Swifts Beat Dance
The Wodens and The Intrigues Reborn
Missanda Suite, Drayton Manor, 8.00pm-1.00am
Manfred Mann
Plus supporting groups
Assembly Rooms, 8.00pm-1.00am
The Fenders
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
The Silverspoon Set (Wrexham Soul Band – from Opportunity Knocks fame)
Foseco Sports and Social Club
Big Beat – Featuring finalists in the Locarno Beat Contest – The Trendmen
Atherstone Memorial Hall
George Cohen Football Club – Grand Dance
Drayton Manor, Tower Ballroom
The Wanderers and David Clive and His Band

Tamworth Herald – 05/05/67
When Manfred Mann Group Fails to Appear
Police were called to Tamworth's Corporation owned Assembly Rooms early on Saturday as 250 angry teenagers demonstrated against the non-appearance at a dance of the Manfred Mann Group.
The teenagers screamed and shouted their demands for a return of their admission money but the promoters had quietly disappeared before Manfred Mann was due to make a personal appearance with his group for a 45 minute "spot".
The police are inquiring into whether the group had in fact been booked for the dance.
Just before midnight on Friday a telephone message was received at the Rooms purporting to come from Mr George Abbott the group's General Manager. It stated the group had been involved in a road accident on the M1 and would not arrive at the dance hall until 12.30am
The dance closed at 1.00am without any appearance and with the teenagers still screaming and shouting their protests.
Police took possession of a briefcase left by the dance promoters at the ticket barrier at the entrance to the hall.
A corporation employee who was on duty at the dance said the hall was booked by a person who gave a Birmingham address and paid the hiring fee in advance.
"But it was a curious thing that no posters advertising the dance were put out until late on Wednesday night." he said "These merely stated that Manfred Mann would be making a personal appearance with his group." On the night, two men, aged between 24 and 30 and obviously from the Birmingham area, came to the Rooms. They charged 10/- admission to at least 250 teenagers.
"At 10.45pm the two men left a briefcase at the ticket barrier and said they were going for a drink. They took the admission money with them and did not return. The briefcase contained only spent tickets.
"Another beat group engaged to play before the Manfred Mann group went away unpaid.
"The Manfred Mann group was due at 11.00pm and there was no appearance and by 11.30pm the atmosphere was becoming tense.
"Then came the telephone message, followed by the screaming and shouting of the teenage dancers as they demanded their money back. But the promoters had disappeared.
"The police were called in because the atmosphere was becoming ugly. "Fortunately the licensed bar was not open. Had it been, there's no doubt the disgruntled teenagers would have wrecked the place."
At the municipal offices it was confirmed the booking of the hall was made by a man who gave a Birmingham address and who signed a hiring agreement and paid the £12 2s. fee.
Councillor J. Ramsey Paul, Chairman of the Civic Enterprises Committee, responsible for the running of the Assembly Rooms said the matter had been turned over to the police.
"We take a very dim view of what has happened," he added. "We have been trying to raise the level of dances and this is a setback.
"We have no control over the advertising of dances or the events run by outside individuals or organisations."
Councillor Paul said the committee would again have to look into the question of booking of the hall by outside bodies.
"It is our intention to tighten up every loophole to prevent the like of this happening again. It would be brought up at the next meeting of the committee after we have had a report from the police."
Footnote: On Tuesday this week the "Herald" received a letter from a Miss Vanessa Crompton-Smith who described herself as a dedicated Manfred Mann fan. She deplored the fact that the appearance of the group had been advertised as this was "a completely false statement" as they were appearing in Germany doing TV shows etc.
She added:
"This sort of publicity is very bad for the group, also it is grossly unfair to the people who go to these dances, they pay the price and later are told that the group cannot appear due to circumstances such as car trouble or illness. But in fact they apparently have not been booked by the organisers of the dance.
"I hope in future this sort of thing won't happen again either to the Manfreds or any other group."
This was later confirmed by the representative for Bron Artist Management Ltd., which handles the affairs of the Manfreds.
She said they were booked for four days in Germany, and starting on the night before the Tamworth dance.
But because a TV recording on Friday took less time than anticipated they returned to England and set out again the next day, they were almost certainly either in Germany, or between here and there, at the time of the dance.
She went on: “unfortunately this does happen. We have had it before and a lot of other groups are also involved. The outcome of this is that it often gives a group of bad name.
"We have never heard of the booking and we have never heard of Mr George Abbott the man described as the group's General Manager. The group's Manager and Agent is Mr. Gerry Bron".

Lloyd Jackson Band
Foseco Sports and Social Club
Whitacre and Shustoke Horticultural Society
Beat Dance – The Conrads
Shustoke Village Hall, 8.00pm-1.00am
Admission: 5/-
Tamworth Herald – 12/05/67
Palace – Georgie Girl
The Sapphires
Assembly Rooms
The Umpteenth Time
Foseco Sports and Social Club
The Rhythm Ranchers
Tamworth Progressive Club
The Wanderers
Warton Working Mens Club
Hi-Fi Discotheque
DJ Mr. Soul – DJ With a Future (a great success last weekend at Nantwich Civic Hall)
The Sapphires
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
The D’Fenders
Foseco Sports and Social Club
Big Beat
The Trendmen with The In-Pack
(The Trendmen winners of the All-Midland Beat Championships)
Atherstone Memorial Hall
The Teen Beats
Polesworth Carnival First Selection Dance
Dosthill Cosmopolitan Club

Tamworth Herald – 26/05/67
A new folk club which is opening up at the Prince of Wales public house in Tamworth's Lower Gungate next Wednesday night will aim to present a variety of folk music with an even balance of modern and traditional numbers.
This will be the second time a folk club has been started at the Prince of Wales. Lack of support forced the first club to shut down about a year ago.
The three people behind the latest move to bring folk music to the Borough say the reason behind the first club's collapse was that it had placed too much emphasis on traditional music.
The three organisers of the new club are Tamworth teenagers James Beaman and Michael Sanford and Miss Christine Neville, of Walsall
"Tamworth is the latest in a group of folk clubs also operating at Lichfield, Walsall and Hazelslade, near Rugeley." said Mr Beaman. "The total membership of these other three clubs alone is more than 3,000.
"Membership of any of the clubs entitles people to be admitted to all those within the group at reduced prices."
Mr Beaman said profits from the new club would be used to pay for groups of national fame and to improve facilities.
A comprehensive range of folk songs will be offered on the opening night by a Birmingham based group, "The Exiles." other groups the organisers have already booked include "The Halliard" who will be appearing on the second Wednesday.
A folk group talent competition with the aim of finding a resident group for the club will be held later.

The Castaways
Foseco Sports and Social Club
Big Beat Night
The Convention
Polesworth Memorial Hall, 8.00pm-11.30pm
Admission: 5/-
The Trendmen with Hal-T-Blake
Atherstone Memorial Hall, 8.00pm-11.30pm
Admission: 5/-
Bob Hayward Band
Mile Oak Hotel
Tamworth & District Five-a-side FC Presentation Dance
The Wanderers
Mile Oak Hotel
Big Beat Night
The Soul System plus supporting groups
Assembly Rooms, 7.30pm-11.30pm
Admission: 5/-
Washington DCs plus DJ
Foseco Sports and Social Club
The Moody Blues plus The Uglys
Sutton Coldfield RFC, Highfield Road, Sutton Coldfield
Dordon Working Mens Club and Institute
Rhythm Group Competition
Sunday mornings 12 ‘til 2
The Four XXXXs
Kettlebrook Working Men's Club
The Attic, Stone Cross, Hi-Fi Discotheque
Grand Opening
The Rhythm Ranchers
Glascote Working Mens Club
Rogues Gallery plus DJ
Foseco Sports and Social Club
The Teenbeats
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
Carnival Queen Ball
Lloyd Jackson and His Orchestra
Assembly Rooms, 9.00pm-1.00am
Admission: 10/-
Crows Nest Discotheque
This week featuring – The Exits
The Locomotive plus Discotheque
Foseco Sports and Social Club
The Rocking Thunderbolts
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
Big Beat
The Trendmen plus The Reason
Atherstone Memorial Hall, 8.00pm-11.30pm
Admission: 6/-
Tamworth Young Farmers Club Dance
The Solettes
Polesworth Memorial Hall
Admission: 5/-
The Teenbeats
Kettlebrook Working Men's Club

Tamworth Herald – 30/06/67
"Absolutely Shocking." That was how organising secretary Mr Maurice Sutton described the attendance at Tamworths pre-carnival dance at the Assembly Rooms.
"Only 50 people turned up," he said "This was ideal for people who wanted a better type of dance and frankly I feel the support we had was absolutely shocking."
Prior to the dance the Mayor and Mayoress Dr and Mrs P.A.V. Barford together with Carnival Queen Mrs Wendy Arnold held a civic reception for invited guests.
The ballroom dance later was open to the general public.

Crows Nest Discotheque
This week featuring – Yellow Rainbow
The Expressions
Polesworth Working Men's Club, 8.00pm-10.45pm
Admission: 2/-
Crowning of Queens – Polesworth Carnival and Gala
The Wanderers supported by the Pat Allen Duo
The Pinch
Dordon Youth Centre, 9.00pm-11.30pm
Admission: 5/-