Musical Genre/Type: Rock
Formed: 1988
Mitch Michaels (Lead Vocals)
Kaz Paul (backing vocals)
Bev Paul (backing vocals)
Carl Anthony (solo guitar)
Tim Latham (guitar)
Al Page (bass)
Ron James (drums)
Tamworth Arts Centre
Fetch Eddie
Lichfield Arts Centre
Tamworth Herald - 02/12/88
KRAZE play their Christmas Party show on Sunday night – their first under there all-new name.
Due to the fact that there is an aceeed band called Kraze, our metal heroes (and heroines) have changed their monicker to Lyve. According to the band they could have fought to keep their original name but felt it would have been a waste of valuable resources as a very important time in the band’s history.
Sunday’s Arts Centre show looks set once again to bring hordes of metal fans through the doors. Kraze have already started well in the poll (if you vote for them as Lyve it will still count!) and they hope to make many more friends with the release on the night of a new demo ‘Lyve in Session’.
The band are more committed than ever and are determined to follow the Wolfies to LA and megabucks so if you want to cheer them to that worthy aim then the place to get your charming persons on Sunday night is the Tamworth Arts Centre.
The Town is packed with big metal fans and what we have here is a big talented metal band so the two of you oughta get together on Sunday night methinks and rock yer proverbial socks off.
Tamworth Herald - 09/12/88
LYVE – Tamworth Arts Centre
Still reeling from the shock of seeing Steve ‘Interesting’ Davis named sports personality of the year, I arrived at the Arts Centre to get another shock. The almighty Kraze replaced by a very odd bunch called Lyve, playing precisely the same songs with the same style, the same suss and the same people. Tim Latham’s still the best musician in town. Mitch is maturing rapidly as a frontman and Bev and Kaz’s red leather trousers were as tasteful as ever… Great band, very silly name.
Tamworth Herald – 27/01/89
Two of Tamworth’s most popular bands Fetch Eddie and Lyve will attempt to win over the Lichfield crowds tonight (Friday). The rather unusual pairing of the king popsters and the metalmen (and women) is further supplemented by the inclusion of r and b outfit The Sleaze Bros inc. The Sleaze Bros are a Lichfield based outfit who have a string of successful home town shows already under their belts. A good-looking line-up this, costing just £2 (doors open 7.30) at Lichfield Arts Centre.
Tamworth Herald – 10/02/89
LYVE are headlining at Edwards No.8 on Thursday night.
Tamworth Herald – 24/02/89
Wolfsbane have announced the first dates of their ‘rolling’ national tour. The band intend to keep adding gigs right up until their debut album is released and the first shows to be officially announced are…
Sunday March 6 – Tamworth Arts Centre (hooray!) with Spiral Eye and Lyve. Friday March 10 – Lichfield Arts Centre with A5, March 13 Riverside, Newcastle, March 21 Locarno, Sheffield, March 24, royal Standard, Wathamstowe, March 27, Goldwyns, Birmingham, March 30, Ritzy, Aberdeen, March 31 Pavilion, Ayr, April 1 Venue, Edinburgh and Sun April 2 Rooftops, Glasgow.
“We will keep adding more as we go along so it will be a virtual non-stop tour,” said singer Bayley, “We are playing all our old favourite venues to prove to people that we may have been away but we haven’t changed as people.”
Bayley admits that he and the band are keenly awaiting the live dates and he is delighted to start off the whole 1989 World Attack at little ol’ Tamworth.
“It should be a good night and we are all looking forward to the Arts Centre bash,” said Tamworth’s most famous stud-warrior.
Tamworth Herald – 03/03/89
TAMWORTH’S biggest and ugliest group, the almighty Wolfsbane launch their World Tour 1989 with an unmissable Tamworth Arts Centre concert on Sunday night.
The band, due to release their eagerly awaited album in two months, will be in action throughout Britain and Europe before heading for a seemingly endless tour across the seemingly endless expanse of America.
The whole never-ending tour will be filled with big gigs and big venues but at none of them will Wolfsbane be so warmly received as at Tamworth on Sunday night.
For here, alongside the relative wonders of Spiral Eye and Lyve, Tamworth will welcome Wolfsbane back as the all-conquering heroes. They have put the town on the map already and this will be the chance for you, the punter, to give them the best possible send off for their massive tour.
Sunday’s gig, the concluding show of the Tamworth Indoor Rock Festival will be the first of an as yet unknown amount of Wolfsbane shows. British gigs of all shapes and sizes are being added as we speak and there is also talk of Irish, French and German dates in advance of the long haul across the United States.
For it to be starting at Tamworth is wonderful news but according to bassist Jeff Hateley the group wouldn’t have it any other way…
“No matter how far we go we will always come back because we love it here,” he said. “Everyone we know is already talking about the Tamworth gig and no matter what the music is like it will be a night to remember.”
As Jeff points out, Wolfsbane plus support acts Spiral Eye and Lyve are all capable of selling out the Arts Centre on their own, so one of the largest ever Arts Centre shows is assured. Memories of Wolfsbane’s ‘sweat-pouring-down-the-walls’ Battle of Bands victory a couple of years ago are expected to be revived and the atmosphere promises to be red-hot.
Wolfsbane haven’t played live for several months and for that reason they are itching to get back into the frame. Their set should be a curious mixture of those their fans will know and love and some that will be totally alien to everyone outside the immediate Wolfsbane camp. Their album is littered with new material and it will be a set full of both old raves and pleasant new shocks. Any Wolfsbane fan worth his or her salt would be a complete and utter luck to miss this one. Anyone that does have better have a good excuse ready.
As if the Wolfies wasn’t enough to drag you out of your home son Sunday, both Spiral Eye and Lyve have plenty to make you get your frame moving. Lyve, who look set to lose ‘Glen Hoddle’ shortly, have adequately filled the Wolfie-gap with their driving metal music and their huge audience alone would make the Arts Centre full without the aid of the other two on the night. And Spiral Eye? Well they are just sooooooooo good that the paltry £1.50 entry fee (the cheapest you will be able to see Wolfsbane ANYWHERE) is warranted by Baz’s boys alone and I have a sneak feeling they will go down a wow with the metal-dominated audience.
The conclusion from all this is clear. Along with the Rock Festival this is probably the most eagerly awaited and exciting concert of the year. Coming in the same weekend as Tamworth FC play in one of their most important games of their history this is one hell of a weekend for the Town.
Get along to both if you can and cheer all these genuine local heroes to inevitable success.
Sunday night at Tamworth Arts Centre. Miss it and regret it.
